Sunday, May 17, 2009

The First, For Surely Not the last!

Foresooth! Hello the internet, This is Matthias out on my quest to..... um... do... what it is.... bloggers.... do....Suppose i should have a purpose then shouldn't i?

Well, bloggers talk about their lives... but mine's rather boring....

(I always wanted to say that. >.>)
I will talk about the amazing world of table top RPGs!

Yeah yeah, it's probably been done before. Hell, probably been done more times than i care to think about. But, i'm gonna try something new. On this blog, i plan to load you up with fun goody stories ranging from about the horrific way i treat my PC's (Not the people you know, just their characters! I technically have a heart! somewhere...) to some of the psychological research that's going on out their and how it reflects upon the gaming community.

I also plan to fill this up with goody campaign idea's and examples, and who knows? This could be fun! So Join me as i try to make things intresting for you Table Top Players out there!But why should you listen to me? No particular reason, except that i will try to keep this funny and intresting. I've also been into tabletop gaming for almost 5 years now, and also am a administrator at a roleplaying website called the Traveler's Respite (If ya google it, go to the announcments and moving section to find the new address... long story.)

I'll review new systems and review one's i already know (My current total is somewhere in the 7 or 8 realm) and since i frequently play, at least once a week, currently twice, there should be lots of fun goodies! Currently playing Dungeons and Dragon's Fourth Edition, as well as a Don't Rest Your Head game.Well, i hope you enjoy these slightly off kilter experiances of mine, and i look forward to seeing if anyone actually wants to hear what this goof ball has to say!


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