Thursday, July 30, 2009


Time really passes and boy is it hard to remember to do this. Especially since i can't do the comics or anything else i wanna do until i head back to school, and i just don't have the time to review anything right now, though a quick plug? Divine power for D&D 4e is EPIC!

Just saying.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Roleplaying is a passion of mine, and one thing i love is a webcomic that does a good job of taking the concept of D&D and running with it. So, since i read a billion of them, here's a plug for my favorites.

Goblins may be one of the most epic comics i've ever read, Yet another fantasy gamer comic is a beautiful mix of humor and touching moments, weregeek touches on those issues all of us roleplayers deal with (Including the not so geeky girlfriend.) if you don't know what order of the stick is by now, you need to get out from under a rock, and erfworld? That's just fun.