Sunday, May 31, 2009

Because i have to...


So i finally got around to watching Deadliest Warrior's Shaka Zulu Vs. William Wallace.

I also happen to be of Scottish Decent. Take a wild guess who i was rooting for. William Wallace Won, SOLIDLY. Total, and utter pwnage. He was totally cool. Claymore is kickass, has been and always will be. And the line about "Know what we call that? A wee pointy Stick!" needs to be on a T-shirt.

So, i gotta wonder what Wallace's stats, as presented in the show at least, would be? I mean, by 4e standards he has to be minimum 8th level, If only because of feats. He'd defiantly be a barbarian, he was fast and he was powerful, but mostly powerful. He needed the multiclass feat for fighter for dual wielding targe and Dirk, He needed a Superior Weapon Feat to wield the Claymore, Superior Weapon Feat for the Ball and Chain, a feat to up his armor rating to heavy armor so he could wear chain mail, he had to have jack of all trades (During his education their was a focus on knowing variety), and linguist because he spoke multiple languages. Plus, he would have had the educated background upping his religion check.

Yeah, i'm so goonna play William Wallace in my next Campaign. Future DMs beware.

So yeah, just had to crow a bit.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Don't Rest Your Head

Alright, this beautiful little RPG Don't Rest Your Head from Evil Hat Productions is my latest look into the various systems, and boy, does this one rock!

Set in the dark and frankly non-euclidian world of the Mad City, you are a person who has gone without sleep for so long that you LITERALLY are able to walk into a world of insanity with superpowers. The Mad City is completely nuts, with horrible bad guys that steal memories, souls, body parts (Suck as the horrific "Tacts man" who taxes the city) paper boys made of actual paper, and more. All of this doing it's best to destroy you and leave you totally decimated, And whatever you do, DON'T Stick around for the 13th hour, where everything is out to kill you and there even stronger than ever. Unless of course you want to visit the Bizarre Bazaar.

Characters are incredibly flexible, allowing you to create just about anyone you want. In the current campaign i'm playing, we have a MMA fighter, a Computer geek college girl, and a junk artist. The first one creates bone spikes to fight with, the second can tap into the internet WITH HER BRAIN, and the third can change the world to be as he sees it. If that's not variety, i don't know what is. The supplement, Don't Lose Your Mind, also looks promising with a list of madness powers and nightmares to use.

First off, we have a very simple d6 system, where 3 and lower are "Successes" and higher are failures. More successes you have, the better you do. Simple enough right? It does get a liiiitttle more complicated, but not much so. Depending on which die is the highest, madness, exhaustion, or discipline, different things will happen. Short hand is discipline orderly, Madness bad and crazy, and Exhaustion makes you more powerful, but also can lead to your death. Just be prepared to have a lot of D6s, as i at one point have rolled 15, with 6 more merely as placeholders for auto successes that you get for special moves.

Beautiful original setting with a perfect horror vibe, and incredibly flexible rules systems really do something special. The content is primarily player generated, and that really adds something. Unfortunately, it's also what keeps this game from being perfect as it really is meant to only be played by people who really know how to roleplay already. This game is NOT for beginners, and will leave people who haven't played before in the dust as the wealth of options leaves them whirling in confusion. Also, combat seems to be more house ruled than anything, and leaves one feeling a bit confused as to how exactly your suppose to fight one of the big scary baddies that roam this world.

Finally, the price is reasonable, 20 dollars for a softback bound copy and 11 dollars for an electronic one, certainly not bad overall.

Overall, I say that Don't Rest Your Head rolls a 7 out of D10.

The Geek Guardian Angel

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Monster Manual Two Review

So, as i mentioned earlier, i managed to get my hands on the Wizards of the Coast production of Monster Manual 2, the second of the two releases. Eventually i'll get around to reviewing the whole 4E system, but for now, let's just stick to concepts and such fun things.

So, for those of you who aren't in the know, Monster Manual 2, affectionately abbreviated MM2, is the latest in the line of fourth edition books released for the Dungeons and Dragons system. Featuring the scary as hell Demagorgon on the front cover, it promises to contain "Hordes of monsters to unleash upon your campaign world and it's greatest heroes."

My opinion? It certainly delivers. 215 pages of nasties just ready to slaughter PCs who don't know any better. Ranging from the weakest monsters, such as the Fell Taints and the Bullywug Mucker, all the way up to Demogorgon and his not so little advisor Dagon, there is a lot of monsters and monsters variations to be found. One thing i've gotta say is that at first look they really seem to have expanded upon the levels that seemed to be lacking in monsters from the MM1, especially in the mid to high level range. There is also a good set of nasties in the base lowest levels, and the nice variations really lets you get a good spread for starting characters.

A lot of old favorites make an appearance, including the Barghests, Behirs, Bone Iron and Clay Golems, the Cocktrice,the Couatl, Marut, and many more. They even bring back the good old Metallic Dragons who without the alignment system of "Must be good" are actually viable opposition. They all have lovingly rendered pictures that really do a good job of getting the feel of each monster across. They also have added more variations to the monsters in the MM1. This gives us DMs a even larger bank of monsters to work with.

Beware though, some of the oldies have had serious power upgrades, and some have been mildly nerfed. A good example of a nerfed one (And in my opinion? Thank god, they where way to deadly for their level before) Cockatrice will turn you to stone after 3 turns instead of immediately, and you can make a poultice to save one person from their feathers. Something a bit different? The assassins Vine. Remember that thing? Corny picture of a 1/2 CR vine trying to curl around the throat of a farmer? Yeeeeah not so much now. Now their a Level 16 elite who will rip and rend anything in their path who can make multiples of themselves to make tons of lashing attackers. Don't go just off the names, or you'll regret it.

Then there are the new guys, and there are way too many of them to go over here, but boy are they sweet! I mean, we have the Adamantine Dragon, master of tactics, we have tons of new elementals (I mean a Geod Elemental? That's just kinda kick ass.)To the totally sweet and totally insane one eyed Nothics. And you know what i appreciate? Finally a low level far realm denizen (Fell Taint) that can be sicced on low level PCs to start to rough them up for the big stuff later on.

But, as with all reviewers, I got my bones to pick.

First off, why, oh why oh why oh why, did the half elves get the absolute worst picture in the entire book? Seriously, I can flip open a page at random and see an epic picture, a totally cool illustration of battle, heck, even the few recycled pics (I’ve only found 2 so far, not to bad honestly) are perfect for what their trying to potray. Half elves? Standing there. Looking slightly Asian. And pathetic. And totally lame. Really? COME ON!

Second, there’s this race of people called the Firbolg’s (I have NO clue how to pronounce that.) Now, their picture? Total kickass barbarians. Says in their descriptions that their masters of the hunt, and the killer of oath breakers. It says that if you know the ritual, you can summon them to hunt down people who break promises.

It also says they worship three goddesses, the Maiden (Sehanine), The Mother (Melora) and the Crone (Raven Queen).
Their wiccans. Their wiccan barbarians. Wiccan barbarians who are masters of the hunt.
I’m very, profoundly, unsure as to whether it’s awesome or mildly disturbing.
Finally, my last gripe is just that only 3 new races are available in the back, the Kenku, The Bullywugs, and the Druergar. There are SO many cool races, the above mentioned Firblog’s included, and they only give race stats to these 3? I mean come on! Centaurs, Barghests, Djinn, Maruts,Pohoelarchs and Phoera, the aforementioned Firblog, and NONE of them are statted, which is just annoying. Oh well, one can only hope for dragon articles and future releases I suppose.

Overall, This book is good and darn useful for any DM. A few mildly annoying bits aren’t much of a detriment, so I’d say if you don’t feel like making all your own monsters and want an entire horde of them, this is a must buy. Just expect to be making your own stats for races.

The Geek Guardian Angel,

Friday, May 22, 2009

Name Change

Soooo i changed the name from Tabletop to Pen & Paper.
Why? Cause honestly, it's more accurate. I just don't play many mini-games, and despite the involvement of other stuff i may review or talk about, this is my primary deal.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Geek day of Geek Awesomeness

Alright, Three moments of geekdom happened today that make me soooo happy i pretty much had a geekgasm.

First, I got the Monster Manual II. Yeah, the Hype? Warranted. Seriously, they have the FULL contingent of Metallic dragons, a ton of new golems, a ton of new low level monsters that are perfect, a lot of old favorites are back, including my wonderful little pet the Rust monster. I love watching PCs scream in horror at something that really isn't anything more than a fluffy cockroach that eats metal and magic items. It's just funny!

Second, I got Vampire: The Masquerade revised edition for 10 bucks at half price books. A steal and a awesome find for a guy who's been looking to play it for ages! I really just need to find the gamers who are willing to play and give it a try.Yes, i am one of those who is looking forward to delving into the depths of Geekdom and playing a LARP, and it won't be long until i find that elusive group and i play like i've never played before!

Third, STAR TREK WAS AWESOME! I'm not a die hard trekie, but i gotta say this movie had it all. Explosions, epic fights, touching moments, geek outs extraordinaire, and let me tell you, it deserved the 95% fresh on the Rotten Tomato Meter.

Of course, i would have the bad luck to sit in front of the religious nut who wanted to debate with me over so much crap before the movie. Really steamed me... and yet... and yet... this movie was just. That. Awesome that by the end of it i was so over with being pissed at this idiot and feeling charged at how awesome the movie was i just couldn't help but jump for fanboy excitement. (Okay, i still hold some grudge, i mean, COME ON trying to get somebody into a religious debate before a movie? How crass.)

Keep tuned for more geekery, as i soon will post my first review of... some system, i haven't quite decided yet.

For Now, this is Matthias the Geek Guardian Angel signing off! (Hope that's not to pompous.. i need to find a catchphrase.)

Acts 1:26
Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What's in a Name?

Alright, so let's start with something i often get asked about. Matthais777? What's that about?

Believe it or not, this name is almost as close to me as my real one. I came up with it years ago when i joined the Wizards of the Coast boards, mostly to post on the mature forums, since at the time their was a online 3.5 role play going on. So here is the basics, Matthias was the guy in the bible who was the thirteenth disciple. "But wait Matt!" you might say, "There where only 12 Disciples!" how right you are little budding bible scholar! However, after Judas offed himself, the Disciples got together and decided that leaving it at 11 just wouldn't do, so they voted in this guy Matthias, who was young and eager. But they didn't vote exactly. The title came down to Matthias and some other guy named Justus, so they Cast Lots (Yay divine dice tie in) and Matthias won, so it's sort of a luck thing to. I mean, when these guys weren't sure who should be given the divine job of spreading the word and getting called a disciple, they trusted in the dice/bones to show them what was up. Pretty good for a Table Top player like me, eh? I dunno, sometimes my mind goes strange places.

Why is it misspelled? Because as a kid i didn't know any better, and thought that was how it was spelled! However, since then the name has grown on me and i rarely use it in the proper format.

Next, 777. Le huh? Simple buddies. 7 is the divine number. 6 is humanity. 666 is the number of the devil/antichrist. Therefore, at least in my head, 777 is the second coming. Or it just means i'm holier than thou. Who knows? Again, my mind is strange, but let's face it, you ALWAYS need extra numbers when registering things, and 666 didn't seem to fit, and i didn't want my age since that changed, and i can never remember random numbers, so 777 it became.

Now, you may be wondering, and quite rightly, what in the world this has to do with Table Top gaming? I'll tell you what. The ever maddening topic of trying to finally decide on a name for a character. Some people take a rather haphazard approach to naming, with such things as "Bob" or "Sue", some spout something appropriately setting random. "Exlandora!" Or "Zantarotuso!" Yeah, i got no clue what those mean, but they sound cool don't they? It seems to almost be a rule with strange fantasy names that the more flips and hurdles your tongue has to do to say them, the cooler it is. Check out this Fantasy naming Generator and you'll get a feel for what i mean! (First rule of fantasy names, the more Zs and Xs and apostrophes you can throw in, the cooler they sound! ((Please oh god don't take that seriously... Your DM will hunt me down in the night and slay me.)))

Then, their are guys like me. I feel that every new character i make is my own little brain child, and should be treated as such. When i begin to look for a name, i treat it like i would if i where naming my firstborn child. Except this is one unruly child who i can actually guarantee will live up to their name.

I check the Internets for the base of names. I go to Latin translators (Latin is my favorite, but other languages do, again depending on the setting. Here is a fun free online one!) and type in the basis. When that fails me, i go for something that SOUNDS cool, but has meaning to it as well. For example, Suki, my bard who could blow things up with her voice. Her name sounds cool, but in my head was a corruption of the word "Song" to sound mildly eastern. My paladin Bromden, my first ever really thought out and serious character's name's original meaning has since been forgotten, but i forever will remember how the syllables seemed to represent what kinda guy i wanted him to be. Brom-Den. It sounds harsh, but it's more like a heavy drum type of sound then a screaming noise. After trying it out on This Baby name Search Engine I think i might have made it as a corruption of the name Brendon, which means prince. It fit him, that good old paladin who rode Pumba the warthog (Hey, i said i thought out my character's names, said nothing about their familiars/companions!).

But whatever path you choose, the key to it all is this. Ya gotta pick a name you'll never regret, and that the goblins/Kobolds won't be chanting obscene versus about.


The First, For Surely Not the last!

Foresooth! Hello the internet, This is Matthias out on my quest to..... um... do... what it is.... bloggers.... do....Suppose i should have a purpose then shouldn't i?

Well, bloggers talk about their lives... but mine's rather boring....

(I always wanted to say that. >.>)
I will talk about the amazing world of table top RPGs!

Yeah yeah, it's probably been done before. Hell, probably been done more times than i care to think about. But, i'm gonna try something new. On this blog, i plan to load you up with fun goody stories ranging from about the horrific way i treat my PC's (Not the people you know, just their characters! I technically have a heart! somewhere...) to some of the psychological research that's going on out their and how it reflects upon the gaming community.

I also plan to fill this up with goody campaign idea's and examples, and who knows? This could be fun! So Join me as i try to make things intresting for you Table Top Players out there!But why should you listen to me? No particular reason, except that i will try to keep this funny and intresting. I've also been into tabletop gaming for almost 5 years now, and also am a administrator at a roleplaying website called the Traveler's Respite (If ya google it, go to the announcments and moving section to find the new address... long story.)

I'll review new systems and review one's i already know (My current total is somewhere in the 7 or 8 realm) and since i frequently play, at least once a week, currently twice, there should be lots of fun goodies! Currently playing Dungeons and Dragon's Fourth Edition, as well as a Don't Rest Your Head game.Well, i hope you enjoy these slightly off kilter experiances of mine, and i look forward to seeing if anyone actually wants to hear what this goof ball has to say!
